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Tag: pickles

  • Pickled Jalapeños

    Pickled Jalapeños

    Pickled jalapeños are a delicious way to add some heat and tang (the pros call it “acidity”) to your favorite dishes – think salads, tacos, sandwiches, dips, chilis. They’re easy to make and can be customized to your taste preferences. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through a simple recipe for pickled jalapeños that’s…

  • Pickled Red Onions

    Pickled Red Onions

    This is a recipe you can (and should!) make every week. Pickled red onions can be made using as few as 5 ingredients and in less than 45 minutes total, most of which is just waiting for the brine to do its magic. Besides being quick and simple to make, pickled red onions are incredibly…

  • Easy Homemade Pickles

    Easy Homemade Pickles

    Pickles are both a delicious snack and an easy way to elevate a sandwich or burger. They are also incredibly simple to make. With just a handful of common ingredients and about 7 days of waiting time, you can make a jar of crunchy homemade pickles that will inspire you to make some of the…