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Tag: cookies

  • Useful Substitutions & Modifications for Cookies

    Useful Substitutions & Modifications for Cookies

    This post is for those random, middle-of-the-night, I-just-felt-like-making-something-sweet cravings. Maybe you don’t have all of the exact ingredients you need, but you need cookies. Below you’ll find some substitutions and helpful modifications for cookies that I’ve used over the years. What goes into a cookie…usually Cookies usually consist of the following ingredients: Butter Sugar (some…

  • 7 Tips & Tricks for Making Great Cookies

    7 Tips & Tricks for Making Great Cookies

    There are so many types of cookies and an infinite number of flavor combinations, but making a really good cookie just boils down to using quality ingredients that you love and keeping the following things in mind. Use room temperature ingredients Mix everything evenly Chill the cookie dough Give the cookies enough space to bake…