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Category: How-To

  • How to Dehydrate Strawberries at Home

    How to Dehydrate Strawberries at Home

    Here’s just another one of those kind-of-random, but potentially-flavor-changing build block sort of posts. Let’s go over the simplest way to dehydrate strawberries and why you’d ever want to do such a thing. Just some context before we just into this super easy process: I make strawberry cheesecake cookies that everyone seems to love, but…

  • 134 seasonings, pieces of equipment, and pantry items that every home cook needs

    134 seasonings, pieces of equipment, and pantry items that every home cook needs

    Getting (back) in the kitchen can be a daunting task. There are so many ingredients, seasonings, tools, and techniques that go into making the dishes we all know and love. You could very well survive by eating the same meal, using the same couple of seasonings, cooked in the same way, but that’s boring! I’ve…

  • 10 Ways to Save Time in the Kitchen

    10 Ways to Save Time in the Kitchen

    One of the biggest complaints I hear about cooking is that it takes too long. For people like me who don’t mind staying in the kitchen all day, this is a thrill, but I realize I am in the minority here. So I’ve put together a list of 10 way to save time in the…