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The Perfect Caramel (Made in a Crockpot)

Crockpot caramel with apples featured image

My mother put me onto this recipe. And my mother doesn’t love cooking like I do, so I knew it had to be something special. If you have a crockpot and a full day to spend waiting for the crockpot to whip up the best and easiest batch of caramel you’ve ever had, this recipe is for you too. Making caramel can be a nerve wracking experience with the threat of burning the sugar always looming. This method takes a lot longer, but it also takes all the stress away leaving you with a perfect batch of caramel to eat with apples, in or on desserts, and any other way you enjoy caramel.


Your grocery list

Canned goods


Equipment/tools you’ll need


How to make caramel in a crockpot?

Step 1: Prepare crockpot

Step 2: Cook caramel in can

Step 3: Let it cool


What’s the science behind making caramel in a crockpot?

Caramelization is a chemical process that occurs when sugar is heated, leading to the browning and development of complex flavors.

When using a crockpot, the slow and steady application of low heat allows the sugar to caramelize gradually without the risk of burning. The gentle heat of the crockpot promotes even browning and ensures that the sugar melts and caramelizes uniformly.

Additionally, the enclosed environment of the can in the crockpot helps to trap steam, which condenses and drips back into the caramel, aiding in the prevention of crystallization. This slow evaporation of moisture contributes to the smooth texture of the caramel.


Ways to adjust and enjoy your crockpot caramel


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